Without intervention in process of game, work of a server support Lineage II of chronicles interlude, Kamael, Hellbound,Gracia,Freya,High Five,Red vs Blue,BSfG.
Main features:
-Graphic display of characters to a radar with the instruction of height
-Display of characters by the list(class, sub, nobless/hero) and a clan
-Switching of a mode "radar" / "list"
-Sorting by class/range/animosities
-The hotkey "the first target" - chooses the first target from the list of a radar
-Flexible setting AutoCP/GHP/QHP/Soul/SOE and so for all cases
-Sound preventions
-A choice from the list of the character of a radar
-Lists of characters(KOS)/clans for definition of enemies
-Lists of NPC/mobs for autodetecting
-Display of characters which hold you on "target"
-The option to show died characters
-Record of a chat